What the Fan's Are Saying



Great job adding video clips. The took me way back. I grew up in St.Petersburg. When I was in 7th grade at Riviera Middle School the Rowdies came to our school to promoste the sport and the team. I've been a fan ever since. One of my favorite memories of the team was the great theme song! You guys should add it to your web site!
-Steve Watts-

Nosing around the internetrin he I just happened upon your Rowdies website and just spent a very enjoyable 20 minites of with an ear-to-ear grin hearingg the old Rowdies song and watching the video clips. Thanks so much for putting this together. I've saved it to my favorites. I hope you will keep adding to it.

The Rowdies were a big part of my life in the late 70's. I was at almost all the home games for those years of glory (before the league started to fold and work hours got in the way of my going). What great memories! I doubt any team from any sport can claim such good times and good relationships with the fans. At the same time I was a very shy insecure late teenager and the Rowdies gave me something to "belong" to when I needed it.
-Gale Hare-

I grew up in the Tampa area and watched the Rowdies circa 1975-980 so I have lots of memories; alas most of my Rowdies memorabilia (aside from a few t-shirt) are long gone. I remember watching you and the rest play in Tampa Stadium back then. I dont have any stories at the moment. I really wish I had access to Tampa area newspapers to research , as I dont  know how much I could trust my memory; I havent lived in Florida since.

Anyway just though I'd say hi and I'm looking forward to seeing how your website develops. There is an incredible dearth of information about the Rowdies on the internet right now.
-David Deane-

I am writing from Spain where I live since I left Tampa in 1983. I played Jai Alai in Tampa from Dec. 69' till 83' and I had the chance to see the Rowdies many times, as well as making some friends. Once I trained a kids team and even became champions of our group! (in soccer) The kids were suprised when they saw Wes McCleod, Peter Van der Veen and several Rowdies giving them a trophy. What a great time! Even Tampa Tribune had an article of the team and the coaches!

Since I left, I lost contact with my good friend Peter Anderson who had a restaurant and later I was told he had some business together with Winston Dubose. Today reading about the Rowdies, I thought it could be possible to try and find Peter as soon as I saw the 2004 of many players . Do you think you can help me?
-Javier Salazar-

I've just seen your video's on the Rowdies website. Very Good! I've enjoyed watching the Steve Wegerle goal a few times, that's me congradulating  Steve! I'm wearing the No#23. Also, Arnie's BIG SAVE, im clearing the ball on a man down. Anyway, I wanted to try get in touch my Arnie and Don Tobin.
-Glenn Ervine-

I don't know where to begin, except to say THANK YOU for creating a Rowdies' website. And who better to create the site then the "Longest Serving" player. It so ironic for me because for the last year I have wanted to start a website dedicated to the team. I even spoke to Dick Crippen a year and a half ago about contributing his memories. I even convinced a friend to help me...even though he was a member of the Jacksonville Tea Men front office. Nonetheless, the site is up and running and bringing back so many memories. I am a native of Tampa and, although I was only 4 when the team started playing, I consider myself a diehard "Fannie". I remember my first game almost like it was yesterday. I was 7 years old and a friend and his father had an extra ticket to go watch a soccer game. Sure, why not see what it was all about. Because at the time I played Little League Baseball and knew nothing about soccer. Except there was always traffic around my house with the bright stadium lights shining brightly on game nights. So there I was at my first soccer game . Little did I know at the time it just happened to be game two of the 1978 American Conference Championship against the Strikers! Needless to say, I have been hooked on the Rowdies ever since that magical night. Anyway, The main reason for writing was to let you know I would be happy to donate any of my Rowdies memorabilia to help out with the website. I don't know if any of it can be used, but with the power of scanning and computers I'm sure anything is possible. I even have a room in my house in Lutz that is my "Rowdie Room".


I had wondered why such a project as your website was not undertaken years ago. We "fannies" finally have one to remember perhaps the most wonderful time we had in Tampa Bay growing up with the Rowdies, and the great affection the area had, and still has,  for the team. I was 17 in 1975, and went to the first game of the season and was hooked up until the team disbanded. I don't think I ever enjoyed any sporting event (and I've been to English 1st division games and world cup matches)  more than coming to the old Tampa Stadium to cheer the team on. My birthday is in March, and often I received a season ticket for the coming year. Anyhow, here are small sample of some memories I have of the games; I remember finally convincing my girlfriend at the time to come to a playoff game and she was completely taken when the team took to the field and threw green and yellow carnations to the fans. I believe the Sting were the appoinents that night. "These guys are pretty cool" was her comment. Shamefully, I threw at least one dead fish wearing Striker colors into the goal netting at home - I do remember a Tampa trib photographer photographing the result, I wonder if they still have that on file? On more than one occasion my college buddies and travelled to the very intimate Lockhart Stadium in Ft.Lauderdale to cheer you against the Strikers, sleeping inside my VW Beetle in a campground (Who had money as a college student?). One home game I sat there with my jaw dropped, when the referee, in probably the worst call in history flashed you a red card - no doubt the only one in your career. Home game against the Cosmos, May 1977 - Franz Beckenbauer's debut - a Swedish exchange student going on for a week about how our "poor Rowdies" had no chance against the all might Cosmos. The result, sending the Cosmos home defeated 4-2.

 -Peter Stanisavljevich-

Thanks for the memories. It was great seeing everthing from those days in green and yellow, the Rowdies were a kick in the grass. thanks

-Eric Tulppo-

Great website!  I can only hope you'll be able to add more and more video and pics.  These guys were the greatest.  My family had season tickets and we went to every home game.  I grew up watching the Rowdies.  I was also a member of the Rowdies pep-band called the "Loudies."  We were sponsored by Paragon Music and walked around the stadium playing our tunes.  What a blast.  Keep up the great work.  I'll be sure to visit often.

-Rowdies Fan-

Great site!  As a fan of the Kicks, the one time I saw the Rowdies pass through was an experience, if for no other reason than their appearance.   Back in the '70's, not only was soccer a novelty in Minnesota, but, to then see a team with the dynamic colors and piping on their uniforms, all tanned to the 'nth degree, make their way into Met Stadium made for an interesting and impressive site.  I met Doug Wark in pre-game when he played for the San Diego team back in 1976.   He was a good guy and made time to chat up myself and some boyhood friends.   I followed his "journeyman" career, both outdoors and indoors, for a time.   I have always wondered what became of Mr. Wark, and what is he doing today?  I see his name on a Rowdies reunion a few years back.

-Bill Goff-

This is a great website dedicated to one of the great pro soccer teams in United States.  I worked for the Jacksonville Tea Men front office from 1980-1982, and believe me when I say that the Tea Men never would have moved to Jacksonville from New England unless there was a successful franchise already established in Central Florida.  I don't know where you found the stuff to put on this website but it is fantastic.  Long live the Tampa Bay Rowdies legacy.

-Don Wiederecht -

Great website!  I can only hope you'll be able to add more and more video and pics.  These guys were the greatest.  My family had season tickets and we went to every home game.  I grew up watching the Rowdies.  I was also a member of the Rowdies pep-band called the "Loudies."  We were sponsored by Paragon Music and walked around the stadium playing our tunes.  What a blast.  Keep up the great work.  I'll be sure to visit often.

-Rowdies Fan-

This site is great and brings back all kinds of memories as I grew up in the bay area in the 70's and 80's.  The Rowdies were my introduction to soccer and started my lifelong journey of playing, coaching, and supporting.  Just this year, an expansion USL club, the Carolina RailHawks, came into existence nearby, giving me another chance to follow a local side and hopefully share the joy of doing so with my kids.  However, I won't let them be influenced into smuggling mullet dressed in rival jerseys into a game by the crazies sitting nearby.  Which is what happened to my brother and me.  I think I still have a copy of the photo taken by the newspaper after they were thrown into the back of the goal.  Those were great times!

 -Rick Nociti-

Rick, we all remember the fish episodes. We knew the game was accepted when fans began planning the trips to the stadium and the antics which they brought. They were special times and I believe the Rowdies affected the lives of many people in a beautiful way.

The Rowdies deserve a place in the sports history of Tampa Bay for all the reasons from the games to the fans.

 -Mike Connell-

Yes, those were special times.  I learned a lot from watching you play (and wore #6 for years).  I played on the college club team at Miami with Joe Montrone who said you'd coached him at CCC.  I think it is great that you've stayed in the area and continued with the game.


I tracked down the photos and newspaper articles and have attached them.  It was fun to read again.  I'm sure you'd rather forget the red card, though.

 I look forward to keeping up with the website.


It is great to see this website!  I just moved back to Tampa and I am unpacking.  I came across my many Rodeny Marsh, Wes Mcloud, Van der Beck, Scooer Ball Head autographs, old game programs and other Rowdies memorabilia.  When is the next alumni game?  . 

-Shawn Reagan-

Absolutely awsome!!! I assume Mike Connell is a main recipient of E-mail to this address. Anyway, I'll spare you the thousands of words expressing what the Rowdies and this new Rowdies website mean to me. I am what I am because of your team: thank you for your very hard work on the field (this applies to everyone on team). I know a woman in Tampa who took on field game pictures (maybe even some social off field pictures too). It's been many years since I've seen her Rowdies pictures, though she's good. If interested, maybe I could get you in contact. I'm a reasonable amateur player who has the spirit of the game, very dedicated earilier on, largely due to Rowdies.  Many of my personal Rowdies experiences are flooding back-I'm happy! I hope you are too. Thank You very much.


Hey I can't believe what I've seen. Thanks so much for the great  memories! I Was 13 or 14 around 79 and I remember my Dad who was  president of a local club team Tarpon Springs Panhellenic and they  played Rowdies backups and a few starters back in 75. I was too young  to remember except vague recollections. But I loved going to Rowdies games and we should bring the Rowdies back.  I only found the site because I found the Seattle Sounders while looking at Quest Field about Bucs games. So I thought why not look up the rowdies!  Great job, I am a big game trader on Goallinesports.com, niko521bucs is my name. I think I am going to start trading for Rowdies games now too. I have only one, the NY Cosmos at Rowdies in 79.

Thanks for the great site. 

-Nick Houllis-

Thank you for your response to my previous E-mail.  Now that I know that this is indeed Mike Connell that I talking to I can say what a consistant player you were! Always in the right place at the right time, it seemed. I know that this was not an accident. Solid, stable, simply got the job done without a lot of soccer drama, in my perception. Thank you for Camp Kickinthegrass; running from midfield, you almost got to a quick cross I made. I just wanted to get the cross off because some adult pro (maybe Eddie Austin) was right on me. Kickinthegrass and other mini-clinic type things with you, Arsune Auguste, Franz St-Lot, Farruque Quarshi, and attending Rowdies practices helped my knowledge and attitude of soccer. I was very inspired and amazed when the Rowdies came to my Seminole Middle School gym (about 1977) and very successfully played "volleyball" without hands! You showed me it could be done. My Rowdies fanship and playing began about then.  You and the Rowdies had and have a direct and indirect impact on soccer in the area. Soccer is flow, "American" sports attitudes and actions seem to be more about force, format and control. I believe the game of soccer affects cultural attitudes, and vice-versa. I  feel like I've experienced this contrast, having been born "All American". Your Rowdies have positively affected us, is all I'm trying to convey. Though I miss the NASL Rowdies, nothing is lost. This is just my perception from where I'm sitting, not necessarily yours. I have a lot to learn. It be nice to see your bio, like a few of the other players have. I've lived in Ft. Lauderdale for the last 20 years, though heard you've been busy in the local soccer scene, maybe coaching CCC? This would be cool to see in your biography. Us fans like details (within respectful reason) about our Rowdies. If your in a positon of having to write your own biography and don't want to,  please show this E-mail to someone else who would, explaining ravenous fans DEMAND it- (just playfully exagerating). I hope the woman I know has or will contact you about the on-field pictures of  Rowdies games she took. I left a detailed message on her voicemail about such. Not to involve you in any way- simply put, she just don't like me anymore, though she was a huge fan, even dating one or two Rowdies, I think. Once again, Thank You.


Mike, Greetings from Japan. I Went to USF in the late 70's and worked at WFLA as an intern. I got to go to many games and videotape the games for WFLA Sports. I also saw the players when they were doing games at the USF soccer field. I later became a professional photographer in Hawaii. I now have an English language school in Japan. Great memories! Time is short today but if you are interested I have photos to share from those days. As a side bar. I snuck on to the field in Baltimore (my hometown) and photographed the original Baltimore Bays while I was in high school. I looked older for my age so the cops never threw me out. I was behind the goal snapping away. What a thrill for a 17 year old. I'm sure someone would love to see those shots as well. I was captain of my high school soccer team. Thanks.

-Vernon Lee-

This site is great and brings back all kinds of memories as I grew up in the bay area in the 70's and 80's.  The Rowdies were my introduction to soccer and started my lifelong journey of playing, coaching, and supporting.  Just this year, an expansion USL club, the Carolina RailHawks, came into existence nearby, giving me another chance to follow a local side and hopefully share the joy of doing so with my kids.  However, I won't let them be influenced into smuggling mullet dressed in rival jerseys into a game by the crazies sitting nearby.  Which is what happened to my brother and me.  I think I still have a copy of the photo taken by the newspaper after they were thrown into the back of the goal.  Those were great times!

 -Rick Nociti-

Greetings Iron Mike!  I just sent my memories to the website. A great site it is! Do you still have any old headshots or  promo pics where you can sign an autograph for me and send it. I would gladly pay for the shipping and  for your time. I hope you enjoy reading my memories that I sent. The Rowdies were the best. You guys were our idols. I enjoyed watching that tv commercial on the site. You were the best defender in the NASL. Take care and God bless.


I have such great memories of Rowdies games at Tampa Stadium. I first became hooked on the team after a visit to my school in 1975. I still have the front page of the Tampa Tribune Sports section with the headlines "Timber... Rowdies Rule NASL" after they won Soccer Bowl 75. Can someone explain why that championship is not on the Welcome to Tampa signs around town with all the rest of the listed championships. Who can forget those rain games at Tampa Stadium where the water poured down the steps like a waterfall and the ball would just stop dead in a huge puddle of water on the pitch. How about the time Rodney Marsh changed his shorts on the sidelines during a game sharing a full moon with the Fannies. I can still feel the pain from the 1980 NASL Playoff loss to the San Diego Sockers in which the Rowdies won the regular game 6-0 only to lose the mini game in a shootout. Wes McLeod had 4 goals in that game. I remember spending many summer days at the Redsland Training Complex watching the Rowdies practice. Some of the players would even spend time after practice just talking to the kids who were there. One time I was at the Hall of Fame Practice Field as a teenager just knocking the ball around with some friends when Winston DuBose showed up with another player for a private workout. We were asked to join in and I even scored on Winston from about 20 yards out. He stopped dead in his tracks and bet me $1  I could not do that again. The funny thing is my next shot almost made the corner just skipping off the corner crossbar. Winston turned to me and said, "See I told you". The man has always had a lot of pride (((hahaha))). Winston, I still owe you $1.  I just can't see that happening these days in pro sports. I could go on forever with these stories, but I will stop for now. Great job on the website as it has been a long time coming.

 -Anthony Fernandez-

Hi there Mike...

Nosing around on the internet I just happened upon your Rowdies website and just spent a very enjoyable 20 minutes with an ear-to-ear grin hearing the old Rowdies song and watching the video clips. Thanks so much for putting this together. I've saved it to my favorites. I hope you will keep adding to it. The Rowdies were a big part of my life in the late 70s. I was at almost all the home games for those few years of glory (before the league started to fold and work hours got in the way of my going). What great memories! I doubt any team from any sport can claim such good times and good relationships with the fans. At the time I was a very shy insecure late teenager and the Rowdies gave me something to "belong" to when I needed it. I'm in Vermont now with my husband and daughter and enjoy the hobby of scrapbooking. It's great to do in the winter when we don't get outdoors as much. Next project up is my soccer album with my photos and mementos from those wonderful Rowdies days.  Last year I had the opportunity to visit the Soccer Hall of Fame in Oneonta, NY and enjoyed seeing all the NASL memorabilia there. If you haven't been there it's worth the trip but do it in the summer when the weather is nice. I hope all is well with you and you are happy in whatever you have been doing since retiring from soccer. Best wishes,

-Gail Hare-